Friday, December 12, 2008

I Almost Forgot... We Have A New Member of the Family!

Welcome Otis! My sister Becka gave him to us. He is a chocolate cocker spaniel. He is an absolute sweetheart! He has more geneology done than we do. Thank you Becka, we love him so much!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

So much has happened in the last couple of weeks. My dad came home for a visit from Kuwait. We had a fabulous Thanksgiving. So much delicious food. The kids put up Christmas. We had our first snow. Camille and I got very sick and so did Kelly and Becka. I hope you guys are feeling better. My nephew, Joshua, got baptized. Shane and Heather visited with Santa. Megan marched in the annual Carl Junction Christmas parade. Tomorow night we have our ward Christmas party. Jim is dressing up as a roman soldier, we are suppose to dress up like people in biblical times.... I don't know how I'll find time for that one. Camille's high school Christmas concert is this Sunday at 2pm in the Intermediate auditorium and Megan's Christmas concert is Tuesday at 7pm in the same place. Shew.... it just keeps going. The girls went Christmas caroling last night with their youth group. "It was soooo cold" they said. Next week we are focusing on the birth of Christ in seminary. One more week until a 2 week break. YAHOO! I get 6 days off during that time. My sister Kelly and her family are coming up for the holidays. I'm just so greatful and blessd in my life. Love you all.