Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Camille's Fall Concert

This past Sunday, Camille had a Fall chior concert. I love going to see her perform. Camille's chior is very good and they sing such good music. This year they performed one of my favorite's "Down By the River to Pray". Many of you many know it from the movie "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?". The entire chior lined the perimeter of the autotorium and sang. The accoustics where incredible. It sent shiveres up and down my spine...and yes, I cried. It was wonderful.
Camille and Shelby

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fredrickson's Farms.....the pumpkin patch

I love this little patch hidden away in
in downtown Carl Junction.

Heather found two huge pumpkins.

Mums, a fall favorite of mine.

They found "the one".

Shane and Heather picking out their own pumpkins.

Jim thought this was an awesome gourd.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pics of Ash, Heather and Grandma

Here is Grandma at her desk.
Heather and Ashley on Homecoming Day.

Following After the Footsteps of Mom

Remember the days of mom getting up uber early in the morning to teach seminary? Mom would have church music playing and smells of cinnamon rolls baking. I still wonder how she managed to get in all of her studying and teaching and baking done by 6am before all the students would come. Well, I have now donned the task of seminary teacher to two, count them, two students. Camille and Katie. It was decided that because of where we live and the school district that our kids attended that there was a need to have a seminary teacher in our little neighborhood. Last night I spent 2 hours being trained... not of enough time if yiou ask me, in the ways of seminary teaching. This morning I attended one of the local classes. I remember the dread of going to seminary as a student, but somehow I feel a sense of desire and excitement to be studying over the scriptures with my daughter. Si, Cary, Jennifer, Mom or anyone who has had this opportunity to be a seminary teacher, I would love advice and tips.... and to everyone, I would love prayers in my behalf. AHHHH!