Friday, December 12, 2008

I Almost Forgot... We Have A New Member of the Family!

Welcome Otis! My sister Becka gave him to us. He is a chocolate cocker spaniel. He is an absolute sweetheart! He has more geneology done than we do. Thank you Becka, we love him so much!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

So much has happened in the last couple of weeks. My dad came home for a visit from Kuwait. We had a fabulous Thanksgiving. So much delicious food. The kids put up Christmas. We had our first snow. Camille and I got very sick and so did Kelly and Becka. I hope you guys are feeling better. My nephew, Joshua, got baptized. Shane and Heather visited with Santa. Megan marched in the annual Carl Junction Christmas parade. Tomorow night we have our ward Christmas party. Jim is dressing up as a roman soldier, we are suppose to dress up like people in biblical times.... I don't know how I'll find time for that one. Camille's high school Christmas concert is this Sunday at 2pm in the Intermediate auditorium and Megan's Christmas concert is Tuesday at 7pm in the same place. Shew.... it just keeps going. The girls went Christmas caroling last night with their youth group. "It was soooo cold" they said. Next week we are focusing on the birth of Christ in seminary. One more week until a 2 week break. YAHOO! I get 6 days off during that time. My sister Kelly and her family are coming up for the holidays. I'm just so greatful and blessd in my life. Love you all.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Going All The Way With Twilight

Well, it finally arrived. Camille, Megan and I gathered with a few hundred Joplinites to watch the very first showing of Twilight at midnight November 21st. What fun we had. We went with other members of our ward. It was 25 degrees outside and we were shivering. The moms, were able to push our way through a tight crowd to get several movie posters. We felt like we were 16 again. The movie was just a wonderful as the book. Edward was just as handsome as described in the book, but had several facial to me he looked constipated when he was looking intense, I don't know, what do you think? lol We loved the movie so much we are going to see it again. I can't wait until it comes out on video. And yes, I stayed up to teach seminary and Camille and Megan went to school.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Camille's 16th Birthday!

Camille turned 16 on Nov. 2nd. We love you Mille!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

We had a fun Halloween. We spent the evening eating and tricker treating and of course, we had to watch the live episode of Ghost Hunters. Well I did atleast.... it was a nice relaxing Halloween.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Camille's Fall Concert

This past Sunday, Camille had a Fall chior concert. I love going to see her perform. Camille's chior is very good and they sing such good music. This year they performed one of my favorite's "Down By the River to Pray". Many of you many know it from the movie "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?". The entire chior lined the perimeter of the autotorium and sang. The accoustics where incredible. It sent shiveres up and down my spine...and yes, I cried. It was wonderful.
Camille and Shelby

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fredrickson's Farms.....the pumpkin patch

I love this little patch hidden away in
in downtown Carl Junction.

Heather found two huge pumpkins.

Mums, a fall favorite of mine.

They found "the one".

Shane and Heather picking out their own pumpkins.

Jim thought this was an awesome gourd.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pics of Ash, Heather and Grandma

Here is Grandma at her desk.
Heather and Ashley on Homecoming Day.

Following After the Footsteps of Mom

Remember the days of mom getting up uber early in the morning to teach seminary? Mom would have church music playing and smells of cinnamon rolls baking. I still wonder how she managed to get in all of her studying and teaching and baking done by 6am before all the students would come. Well, I have now donned the task of seminary teacher to two, count them, two students. Camille and Katie. It was decided that because of where we live and the school district that our kids attended that there was a need to have a seminary teacher in our little neighborhood. Last night I spent 2 hours being trained... not of enough time if yiou ask me, in the ways of seminary teaching. This morning I attended one of the local classes. I remember the dread of going to seminary as a student, but somehow I feel a sense of desire and excitement to be studying over the scriptures with my daughter. Si, Cary, Jennifer, Mom or anyone who has had this opportunity to be a seminary teacher, I would love advice and tips.... and to everyone, I would love prayers in my behalf. AHHHH!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Breaking Dawn Is Finally Here!

I could hardly wait for the last installment of Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" Series. Jim was truly annoyed by my impatience. But, it is here and I am a happy girl. Yahoo!! I love it! Can't wait for the movie.

Camille and Megan go to Nauvoo.

Camille and Megan at Girl's Camp

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Heather graduated from swim lessons today!

Heather went to swim lessons everyday for 2 weeks. She graduated on to level 3. She had so much fun learning from her instructor Megan.

Jim and Shane work on our Privacy Fence.

Jimmy and Shane worked on gettng out privacy fence finished. Shane found lots of frogs and toads and even baby rabbits. Our fuji apples are growing very nicely and so are our gladiolas.